Mitabyte - specials, stores and trading hours

Mitabyte Specials

Where to find stores


Mitabyte is a Durban based computer retailer with 24 years of IT experience in the wholesaling, retailing, and manufacturing of computer products and services. Similar to other PC shops including PC Zone, Mitabyte delivers a fully stocked computer store that is aimed at providing consumers with the best computer technologies on the market.

The Mitabyte computer shop is based in Durban, Springfield. However, as of 2011, online shopping is also available to consumers that wish to purchase their computer products from the comfort of their homes.

The wide-ranging product list available from Mitabyte includes computer and laptop accessories, universal laptop charger, cables and adaptors, gaming and photography products, printers and scanners, computer software, speakers, SAMA computer cases, external hard drive casing, and more.

Additionally, the computer technology brands available at Mitabyte are carefully chosen to ensure that you receive the most up-to-date products that are long lasting and ensures a high-quality standard.

These brands include HP, Lenovo, Asus, Acer, Canon, Epson, Logitech, Volkano, and many more.

For more information on the wide variety of products available and contact information, visit their website at

Frequent specials are also available online and in-store including laptop chargers for sale, power banks for sale, and more. You can also access the computer wholesale price list here. This price list details information on external hard drive prices, laptop prices, speaker prices, and a price comparison list.



The Mitabyte store is located in Springfield, Durban. Trading hours are from Monday-Friday: 08:00-16:30pm and Saturday: 08:30am-12: 30pm.

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Retailers - consumer electronics