My Catalogue
Retailers by category
Retailers by category
Current Shoprite specials
17/03/2025 - 23/03/2025
Shoprite specials - 17/03/2025 - 23/03/2025 *
* Valid at these Shoprite stores
Valid at these Shoprite stores
Shoprite Amanzimtoti
Cnr Rosslyn and Beach Roads
Shoprite Bergville
Bergville Plaza
Shoprite Bizana
Erf 13 And 14 Main Street
Shoprite Bizana
Shop 22 Bizana Square Cnr. Hospital & Church Road Bizana
Shoprite Chatsworth
Cnr Joyhurst And Tranquil Street 13 Joyhurst Street Unit 5
Shoprite Dundee
Cnr. Wilson and Beaconfield Street
Shoprite Durban
10 Stamford Hill Road Off Umgeni Rd
Shoprite Durban
249 Berea Road
Shoprite Durban
251 Umgeni Road Greyville Durban
Shoprite Durban
394 Smith Street Off West Street
Shoprite Durban
424 West Street
Shoprite Durban
576 West Street Durban Central Durban
Shoprite Durban
Brickhill and Sea View Roads
Shoprite Durban
Cnr Buller and Kenyon Howden Roads
Shoprite Durban
Julius Nyerere Street Berea Durban
Shoprite Durban
Shop 69 2 Marble Ray Drive
Shoprite Empangeni
Byrne St Biyela Shopping Centre Empangeni
Shoprite Eshowe
3815 Eshowe St Gingindlovu Kwagingindlovu
Shoprite Esikhawini
Erf J2294 And J2295 Cnr Of Mdlebentshona And Mthombothi Road
Shoprite Estcourt
Corner Market Street & Lawrence Street
Shoprite Flagstaff
68 Main Street Flagstaff 4810
Shoprite Flagstaff
No 12, Flagstaff Square, Flagstaff
Shoprite Gedleza
Main Road Gamalakhe
Shoprite Gingindlovu
Cnr R102 and Main Road
Shoprite Greytown
Cnt Durban & Oke Street
Shoprite Harding
Shop 1 Ithala Ctr Musgrave St Harding
Shoprite Hluhluwe
Shop 12 2 Zebra Street
Shoprite Inanda
14 Bhejane Street Bridge City
Shoprite Inanda
5571/5575 Curnick Ndlovu Highway
Shoprite Inanda
Cnr M25 Kwamashu Hway and Putco Link Rd Dube Village Mall Inanda
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Other specials Shoprite
17/03 - 23/03/2025
Shoprite catalogue - Xtra Savings Gauteng
Valid at these Shoprite stores
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19/03 - 19/03/2025
Shoprite catalogue - Market Day Deals
Valid at these Shoprite stores
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17/03 - 23/03/2025
Shoprite catalogue - FoodWorld Mid Month Leaflet Korsten
Valid at these Shoprite stores
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17/03 - 06/04/2025
Shoprite catalogue - Cash & Carry Birthday Savings Selected Stores
Valid at these Shoprite stores
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Latest specials
10/03 - 23/03/2025
Boxer catalogue - GP March MM
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17/03 - 23/03/2025
Game catalogue - Mampara Week
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10/03 - 23/03/2025
SPAR catalogue - National Leaflet
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20/02 - 19/03/2025
Clicks catalogue - Healthcare savings
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