Frozen ready meals - Current deals from Pick n Pay Supermarket specials

Pick n Pay Supermarket catalogue
thumbnail - Frozen ready meals
Pick n Pay Supermarket catalogue
thumbnail - Frozen ready meals
Pick n Pay Supermarket catalogue
thumbnail - Frozen ready meals
Pick n Pay Supermarket catalogue
thumbnail - Frozen ready meals
Pick n Pay Supermarket catalogue
thumbnail - Frozen ready meals

Price overview

Product Description
logo - Pick n Pay Supermarket
Pick n Pay Supermarket
strips see the catalogue see the catalogue
logo - Pick n Pay Supermarket
Pick n Pay Supermarket
strips see the catalogue see the catalogue
logo - Pick n Pay Supermarket
Pick n Pay Supermarket
breaded chicken fillets see the catalogue see the catalogue
logo - Pick n Pay Supermarket
Pick n Pay Supermarket
breaded chicken fillets see the catalogue see the catalogue
logo - Pick n Pay Supermarket
Pick n Pay Supermarket
chicken strips see the catalogue see the catalogue

* The price can vary in different stores

** The price may be VAT exclusive

Where to buy - Frozen ready meals

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