My Catalogue
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Oxford / Terminus Plaza, 53-55 Oxford St
Sheet Street East London Oxford / Terminus Plaza, 53-55 Oxford St
Current specials
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Address and trading hours
Oxford / Terminus Plaza, 53-55 Oxford St
East London
Mon-Fri: 8:00-17:00, Sat: 8:00-15:00, Sun: 9:00-13:00
Sheet Street stores - East London
Sheet Street
East London - Beacon Bay Retail Park, Bonza Bay Road Beacon Bay
Sheet Street
East London - Hemingways Mall, Cnrwestern Serv Ave Two Rivers
Sheet Street
East London - Oxford / Terminus Plaza, 53-55 Oxford St
Sheet Street
East London - Vincent Park S C, Deveraux Avenue
Sheet Street - Nearest stores
Sheet Street
Vanderbijlpark Vaal Mall, Cnr Barrage Rd and Rossini Bvd
Sheet Street
Potchefstroom Mooi Rivier Mall
Sheet Street
Potchefstroom Nelson Mandela Rd
Sheet Street
East London Vincent Park S C, Deveraux Avenue
Sheet Street
Vanderbijlpark Vaal Walk, Df Malan Street
Sheet Street
Vredenburg West Coast Mall, Saldanha Road
Sheet Street
East London Hemingways Mall, Cnrwestern Serv Ave Two Rivers
Sheet Street
Vereeniging Nedbank Centre, 12 Merriman Avenue
Sheet Street
East London Beacon Bay Retail Park, Bonza Bay Road Beacon Bay
Latest specials
25/11 - 08/12/2024
Woolworths catalogue - Daily Difference
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20/11 - 08/12/2024
SPAR catalogue - Store Specials
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14/11 - 08/12/2024
Dis-Chem catalogue - Hot Summer Deals
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25/11 - 08/12/2024
Game catalogue - Avoid The Queues SASSA Payments
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