Devland specials - 25/08/2021 - 22/09/2021 - NO LONGER VALID *

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ti in Cheese Flavoured Du weet & Spicy Curry S eti in Cheese Flapoured Ta Creamstyle Sweetcom zed Vegetables in Bri TIGER BRANDS Everyday Low Prices Koo Beetroot Grated Koo Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce Koo Creamstyle Sweetcorn Koo Mixed Коо Mixed Vegetable Curry Vegetables KOO KOO KOO KOO KOO KOO Meals Corn nstyle Sweetcom Veggies Vegetables in B Ко KOO KOO Veggies MExed Vegetables n Hot Curry Sauce eetroot Meals КО 12x405g Corn Sliced Veggies B15599 Veggies Mixed Vegetables Beetroot Grated &Spiced 6х780g 12x410g 12x410g 12x410g 12x410g 13799 15799 18499 18499 184 99 All,Gold Superfine- Apricot Jam Hugo's Mixed Fruit Jam Benny Stock Instant Powder BENNY Purity Cream of Maize Assorted PURIT Purity Mabele Assorted PURITY HICE GRADE BENNY thugo's Tastes Real Good CHOKE G CREAM OF MAIZ Baby's Soft PURITY ALL GOLD bele s Soft Fridge Mixed Fruit Jam BENNY OF MAIZE Ts Soft ridge PURITY thugo's -EL190- BEN PURITY SMOOTH APRICOT JAM Easy to open BENNY 12x450g BENNY CREAM OF MAIZE Baby's Soft Porridge Mabele Baby's Soft Porridge Mixed Fruit Jam 179 99 6x900g 42's 159 99 6x900g Original 6x400g Original BENN Chicke Flneored 6x350g R13699 3899 8299 I Brookes Oros Concentratel Brookes Oros Concentrate Brookes Oros Ready To Drink B779 Fouro/Sixo Concentrate Purity Baby Food" Assorted PURITY ORO ROS Red Rod PURITY ORO SC APLES ROS ed ables J 21t Rodnegt Rodnegt Ca OROS 3199 ORANGE SO NAAR! FRM NAARD FURMRND OROS OROS NGE SQUASH 40 6x125ml A OROS UNSWEETE SWEETENE RANGE SOUAN OROS (oure PURITY 653 99 OROS 5lt 12x500ml RASPBERT 6х300ml RASPBERT 4x200ml 83 99 ORANGE SQUASH 799 R3799 Custard with Vanilla Flavour SWEETENED 6x200ml B2799 R6499 Energade Maynards Wine Gums Maynards Fruit Pastilles Maynards Jelly Babies Maynards Jelly Beans Weiny nards itei puicy nards e in juna nards • ea juey Fnergad ynards nergade Geacon Energade Maynards origina wine gums in juey eis juier Маупards Fruit jelly babies ueajuiay Маупards eisjiey Маупаrds jelly beans Pastilles original wine gums Fruit jelly babies jelly beans Pastilles 6х500ml BA ELLY BAN 24x75g 24x75g B399 juien 24x75g 184 99 75 g 24x75g 184 99 plce PAS HAAOR 75 g itjuiee 18499 199 R184 99 AiromarAir Freshener Веаcon Beacon Mini. Fizzers fizzer Dolly Varden Glycerine Ingram's Camphor Cream (Original/Herbal) Smoothies INIW thies Smoothies Supa Bacon iroma firama Citan Boda ayoured iroma gram's troua owberry ids vender rden MINI fizzer THE SAIN DOcro CAMPHOR CREAN Inchanted Lly Herbal Dol Dolly Varde Dolly irdor Tarden he 288 72 s/ Supa 50's Ingram's THE SKIN DOCTOR 100's CAMPHOR CREAM Strawberry Flavou Origintl 6х100ml 1199 5UK50 u R4399 500ml 24100 6x225ml "R45 99 R3199 74 99 e Dyroach Insecticide Doom, Insecticide Doom Mosquito.Coils Doom Blue Death Powder Jeyes Fluid Dr125g 125 DOOM DYROACI OYROACH DOOM DOOM DOOM JEYES FLUI DOOM JEYES FLUID Super KILLS COCKROACHES ODOURLESS THE STRONG oh STRONG ON DEADLY Insect Pawder 6x180ml Super MATI INSECTS Mosquito DOOM SUPERFAST Multi TRIPLI AETION SUPERFAST SECTS 6x180ml B139 99 COILS 10x100g 10499 6x125ml DISINFEC & CLEAN JEYES FLUID 139 99 a 249 99 NFECTANT LEANSE 5799 Kills tor ta d wesk Nilts hisden 6х300ml 5x125g 6x300ml 179 99 R4799 6x500g Origina 14199 DISINFECTANT ACLEANSER riginal 6x500ml 149 99 2 While stocks last. We reserve the right to limit quantities. We can't be held responsible for an delivery delays from suppliers. We will not be responsible for any supplier price increases. All prices are inclusive of VAT. Subject to availability of stock. E. & 0.E.

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