Beares specials - 19/05/2021 - 22/06/2021 - NO LONGER VALID

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SAVE R2000 Ensure that you have plenty of storage to kecp your bedroum clutter-true - Acld b.ankets and throws to add style and warmth Cover your windows to raintain privacy and block cut naturai light · Keep your bedrcon device-ftec tor Uilimate relaxation 1 BEVERLY 2 MORPHEUS 3 AGESTONE 5-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE 150 X 190 FAUX FUR THROW 2-DOOR SUDING ROBE R14 999 99 R149999 R4 999 99 Deposit RI 500 R819 x 36 months Credit Price R29484 Deposit R150 Rl68 x 12 months Credit Price R2016 Deposit R500 R384 x 30 months Credit Price R11 520 WHILE STOCKS LAST DE ASPEN AK2 EEDROOM SUIL CAMERO 5-FIEE BECROOM SUI E R9999 99 R9 999 99 Deposi RI CCO RO Bmeihs Credr Pace R2 TAMARA S ECE BEDROOM SUITE CASSIDY SMEE BEDIRCOM SUITE R26 999 99 R129999 Deposti RZ CO RI Ez o menths redi Prce ReB420 Monarch STANDARD CREDIT LIFE INSURANCE BENEFITS: Permanent disability Temporary disability In the aven of terporay dimaility, ihe instealrent w be covered up lo a maxim n penod of 12 mort 10 Death Loss of income Insurance Company Ltd. OFFERS YOU in the event of the asrir holder's kah, ihe ouskana ng balance will ba netled in fil We will serle thec Itsanding bake ncs ir fell c ld yo becormre parranently dlinnaled In the event of loa of full time employmer Ihe instlment will ba covored up a mai mi m par od of 12 montha INTEREST RATE: 20.50%

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